Beauty and Shungite

Physical Health and Beauty

Shungite stone is widely applied to improve health. Blocking all external negative influence, including EMF, shungite activate your immune system that becomes capable of combating any disease. Having shungite stone pyramid or sphere at home or wearing shungite jewelry in a daily basis you may improve blood circulation, normalize pressure, and improve metabolism.

The easiest way to apply shungite stone healing properties is to make shungite water. While internal usage of shungite water will treat concrete
diseases ranging from common colds to gastritis, washing with shungite water will help you to relax, restore pH balance of your skin and help to cure inflammations, acnes and some other skin related diseases.

Furthermore, shungite stones, pencils and sticks are widely used for massage. Such therapy includes placing flat heated or chilled stones at different body parts, like the neck, spine, chest and stomach. Massage with hot shungite stones helps to treat arthritis and reduce stress; and massage with cold shungite stones also helps to relax and relieve tensions from muscles.

Moreover, shungite is a component of various healing balms and gels which help to improve blood circulation, strengthen the blood vessels, encourage hematoma resorption and, eventually, accelerate the metabolic processes.

Other shungite balms are used for the treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthrosis and arthritis; as this mineral provides a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reduces aches in joints and muscles.

But Karelian magical shungite stone isn’t beneficial just for you health; actually, it is good for your looks as well. Shungite is widely used for the production of cosmetics as it provides anti-allergic and antioxidant effect; what makes this mineral a perfect solution to skin related problems.